Saturday, July 29, 2006

Govenor Mark Warner to visit Stoddard

The Stoddard Democrats will be hosting Governor Mark Warner at a
special event to be held at Lakefalls Lodge (aka Shinbone Shack) in Stoddard on Saturday, August 19th. Governor Warner of Virginia is considered to be a leading Democratic candidate for President; he was the keynote speaker at the recent New Hampshire Democratic Party convention.

The event begins at 11:00 a.m. with light refreshments supplied by
the Pub, and a jazz trio which will include Don Baldini and Dave
Sporny. Governor Lynch and Congressional candidate Paul Hodes have
been invited and will probably be able to attend. Mayor Mike Blastos
of Keene will be a featured guest as well.

Tickets cost $10 each and are available from Bob Englund and other
members of the Stoddard Democrats committee or from Eddie Albert.
The event will be held rain or shine.

Lakefalls Lodge is located at the end of Aten Road, a continuation of
West Shore Road which is on the southwest side of Granite Lake. It
is approximately four miles from Munsonville center. Call Bob
Englund at 847-9727 for further details.

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